Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Network Manager Shared Internet Connection

Ok so I have been wanting to do this for a while and I finally found a site that had easy directions to create a shared internet connection using your wireless card.

all the info I got came from this site but I wanted to share it here also.
1. install dnsmasq-base on an ubuntu based system.
This can be done by typing sudo apt-get install dnsmasq-base
2. make sure your computer is plugged into the internet
3. click on the network manager icon in your system tray and then click Create New Wireless Network...

4.Create whatever ssid you want and if you want security enable.

That was it for me. I was then able to get on another system and connect then browse.

Thanks and God bless,


Aaron said...


posted these directions also and is willing to bet that he will have a bigger discussion on it than my site will

Natthu said...

I have been trying to do this with my ipod touch. But i cannot browse internet once i get connected to the wifi on ipod.
Do i need to change any settings in ipod ? please reply if u have any idea ..
i have been trying hard for the past 2-3 days :(

Aaron said...

Make sure you have all the security settings correct. You may also want to try creating a wireless network with no security see if the iPod can connect to that. I would also make sure that the iPod has ad-hoc capabilities. Let me know what happens when you try these things.


icon manager said...

it is one of the best blog which can be viewed again and again.

Aaron said...

icon manager
Thanks for the kind comment. I am still hoping to find a time when I can use this ad hoc wireless, just to show off. I hope to start writing on a more regular basis, even if the topics are not quite as cool as this one.